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The Winter’s Tale


Leontes: Deborah Farrington
Polixenes: Caitlin Cotter
Hermione: Ilana Vine
Camillo: Christiane Merritt
Paulina: Lise Carpenter
Old Shepard/First Attendant: Katie Noice
Clown/Officer of the Court: Caitlin Evans
Autolycus/Time: Emelin Gasparrini
Antigonus/1st Gentleman/Shepard Party: Ada Link
Cleomenes/Mopsa/2nd Gentleman: Shanna Fricklas
Florizel/Guard 2: Elise Marraro
Perdita/Mamillius: Arielle Seidman
Emilia/Servant to Shepard: Stephanie Migliori
Keeper/A Mariner/Shepard Party: Random Rector
First Lord/Shepard Party: Michelle Crepeau


Director: Meredith Moore
Stage Manager: Erina Donnelly
Assistant Stage Manager: Kate Stein
Production Assistant: Rachel Goddard
House Manager: McCurdy Miller
Costume Design: Sarah Pfanz
Publicity: Meredith Moore
Programs: Erina Donnelly, Ilana Vine
Cover Design: Meredith Moore


19th, 20th, and 21st of April, 2007
Goodheart Music Room