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The Merchant of Venice


Duke of Venice: Stephanie Migliori
Prince of Morocco: Becky Findlay
Prince of Arragon: Meredith Moore
Antonio: Jenyae Jones
Bassanio: Caitlin Evans
Graziano: Julia Keith
Lorenzo: Audra Fannon
Salerio: Lindsay Cunningham
Solanio: Arielle Seidman
Portia: Deborah Farrington
Nerissa: Sophia Pacanowsky
Shylock: Tamara Tomasic
Jessica: Ilana Vine
Tubal: MaryKathryn Dean
Launcelot Gobo: Sarah Pfanz
Old Gobbo: Allison Elkin
Balthazar/Stefano/Servant/Leonardo: Hannah Slavitt

Director: Rachel Lavenda
Stage Manager: Erina Donnelly
Assistant Stage Manager: Megan Smith
Props Mistress: Rachel Goddard
House Manager: McCurdy Miller
Publicity: Becky Findlay
Programs: Rachel Lavenda and Ilana Vine


1st, 2nd, and 3rd of November, 2007
Erdman Living Room