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Iago: Charlotte Rahn-Lee
Roderigo: Crista Fuentes
Brabantio: Shannon Friday
Othello: Lilah Rahn-Lee
Cassio: Elizabeth Hanson
Duke of Venice: Julia Niedzwiecki
1st Senator: Emelin Gasparrini
2nd Senator: Alex Solomon
Officer/Gratiano: Gillian Confair
Sailor/Clown: Holly Gaiman
Messenger: Sarah Pullos
Desdemona: Lindsay Gold
Montano: Amy Sullivan
Emilia: Chelsea Phillips
Herald: Sarah Pullos
Bianca: Sarah Caldwell
Lodovico: Sky Stegall
Gentlemen: Emelin Gasparrini, Gillian Confair, and Alex Solomon
Musicians: Ana Calvert-Kilbane, Emelin Gasparrini, and Alex Solomon


Director: Madelynn von Baeyer
Producer: Meg Reber
Costumes: Maggie Hoyt
Set Design: Elizabeth Hanson and Chelsea Phillips
Set Construction: Crista Fuentes, Chelsea Phillips, Charlotte Rahn-Lee, Lilah Rahn-Lee, Meg Reber, and Maddie von Baeyer
Lighting Design
: Elizabeth Hanson
Stage Crew/Tech: Caitlin Cotter, Cristiane Merritt, Meg Reber, and Penelope Stowe
Fencing Choreography: Caitlin Cotter
Title Design: Julia Niedzwiecki
Logo Design: Cherry Rahn
Publicity: Julia Niedwiecki, Lilah Rahn-Lee, Meg Reber

We would like to thank the following groups and people for their donations to and assistance in this production: Hiroshi Iwasaki & the BMC Drama Dept; the office of Conferences & Events; BMC Public Safety; Martin & Sandy Reber for all their help in construction of the bed.


14th, 15th, and 16th of April, 2005
Goodheart Music Room